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By John Montroll and Robert J. Lang
Fish and other sea creatures pose a special challenge to origami designers: How to represent those fins, scales, gills, antennae, and other distinctive characteristics? In this well-illustrated guide, two renowned paperfolders explain how to answer the technical challenges of folding readily recognizable models of marine life.
The skill levels necessary to create these 24 figures range from intermediate to advanced. Each model features complete instructions and a series of two-color folding diagrams. In addition to familiar sea creatures—octopus, seahorse, starfish, and dolphin—these models include more exotic animals such as the cichlid, Atlantic purple sea urchin, parrotfish, murex, and giant clam.
Monday to Thursday
11:00am - 5:00pm
Friday & Saturday & Sunday
11:00am - 6:00pm
1743 Buchanan Mall
San Francisco CA 94115
415.921.7100 Main
415.921.2023 Facsimile
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